Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The professional achievements of Duriash Mozaffarain

High sodium consumption and disorders due to high intake of sodium is now a common problem. However, there are many researches carried out to find out the side effects of high sodium intake. In this field, many scholars and researchers focused on those reasons due to which people are facing different types of disorders and diseases. Similarly, Dariush Mozaffarian also did a deep research on causes of selected few disorders. He found a common issue among all those diseases, and that was the increased high sodium consumption habit among affected people. The goal of this discussion is to look closely at the prospects and professional achievement of Dariush Mozaffarian.

The professional achievements of Duriash Mozaffarain are an evident reflection of the journey where he has left an evident mark in research and development. It is significant to note that his educational background has vastly backed up his practical achievements. In addition, his achieved prospects have created wonder in the field of cardiovascular research and development. It is because of his keen interest and effective research that has become famous for cardiovascular medicine and epidemiology (Dariush Mozaffarian Brief Bio, 2014).

It was an effective professional achievement that he had authored and co-authored in many scientific publications on cardiovascular health related topics. He led the research at the Harvard school of Public Health about high sodium consumption and its effects on heart diseases (Dariush Mozaffarian Brief Bio, 2014).

The research evidences provided by Dr. Mozaffarain about high sodium consumption. According to him, high sodium intake increases blood pressure (Kritz, 2014). It increases the risk for cardiovascular diseases that includes stroke and heart diseases. He did a deep research to find out the causes of heart diseases. Mozaffarain’s research suggested that there are various effects of excess sodium consumption on heart diseases globally. In every age, nation and sex high sodium consumption is causing cardiovascular diseases on a large scale (Dariush Mozaffarian Brief Bio, 2014).

Dr. Mozaffarain professional achievements impacted in a positive manner on his field. Where, finding out causes of the cardiovascular diseases played an important role. He successively figured out the main reason, which is the high sodium consumption that increases blood pressure and damages heart. The consumption of high sodium is increasing the death rate due to which most of the authors and researchers are providing the guidelines to reduce sodium consumption (Kritz, 2014).

Dr. Mozaffarain also provided precautionary techniques to control the intake of high sodium. While performing research as a co-author, he highlighted other disorders related to the high sodium consumption. According to Mozaffarain, high sodium consumption is causing obesity, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, stroke, and increasing ratio of deaths. Therefore, Mozaffarain suggested that the programs should be organized to reduce the premature deaths in adults around the globe. These programs can provide effective approaches to avoid and to reduce the high sodium intake (Kritz, 2014).

Overall, his professional achievements have been well observed by the practitioners of his field. A lot of references have been made by his research work, which is a great achievement in itself. Majority of researches and studies by Mozaffarain focuses on high sodium consumption and its causes on cardiovascular diseases, which lead to death (Kritz, 2014). Dr. Mozaffarian has more than 200 scientific publications, and all are about lifestyle and cardiovascular health issues (Dariush Mozaffarian Brief Bio, 2014). His studies and researches include global dietary burdens of disease and informed nutrition policy internationally.

Works Cited


Dariush Mozaffarian Brief Bio. (2014). Retrieved from

Kritz, J. (2014, August 13). Estimated 1.65 Million Global Cardiovascular Deaths Each Year Linked to High Sodium Consumption. Retrieved from



  1. I can't even begin to imagine how much effort Dariush Mozaffarian must have put in to his research to correlate high sodium intake as the culprit of different diseases and disorders. There are so many factors that make the body act the way it does and the fact that Mozaffarian had to have looked into before he could pinpoint sodium as being a main factor is a feat in itself. It’s no wonder a lot of people reference his work and because of his work further research is done so the general community can learn about the repercussions of eating salty food. His personal achievements are amazing.

  2. Always glad to see new research on cardiovascular disease. Since it's the number 1 killer of human beings it really is something that we devote a lot of our resources to.

    This was pretty eye-opening for me as someone who has minor heart problems, and consumes a lot of sodium.

  3. Yong,

    Mr. Mozaffarian has put a lot of effort into trying to improve and work on the the high sodium intake and the effect of the different diseases on people. A way we can help reduce these diseases is by eating healthier and watching the amount of sodium we eat. Also keeping the amount of fluids like water, we drink too. As I can tell by our post Mozaffarian has done a decent amount of research in this field and knows what it could do to the human population. This blog post really helped to open my eyes on the seriousness of what sodium can do to out bodies and I will definitely pay more attention to what I eat.

  4. Hi Yong,
    It is interesting to hear how increased sodium intake is the common variable between all these different diseases and symptoms and the research that Dr. Mozaffarain has done on sodium intake. This particular topic has actually become relevant within my own life when I recently went to get my wisdom teeth taken out and had an acl surgery done 2 weeks after that. In both surgeries, they found that my blood pressure was abnormally high for someone of my age and fitness level. I thought that this was weird considering I very sparingly use salt in my cooking, if at all. I guess I should start reading more about sodium intake and blood pressure!

  5. Yong, I think Dr. Mozaffarain found a very important correlation between high sodium intake and cardiovascular disease. With cardiovascular disease at #1 for causes of death in the U.S. according to the CDC in 2010, this research is invaluable. Especially with a correlation between something that can be controlled through the diet as opposed to be hereditary. It might also bring attention to the fact that our foods generally have TOO MUCH sodium in them now due to processing. All of these facts can help deal with heart disease as well as other conditions you mentioned like obesity.
