Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Scarcity of Water

Scarcity of water is one of the most concerning factors for many local and multi-national companies all around the world. As the population of the world grows, the demand for products and services also increases. In order to meet up with the demand of people, organizations from all over the world must produce more and more products each year. The growing demand has made organizations use more water and, as a result, it has depleted this natural resource. Organizations are now trying to be more careful with the use of water.

Organizations are now seriously considering and planning to save water. In 2011, organizations spent about $85 billion so that water could be better utilized (Clark 3). Among the organizations was Nestle that spent $40 million to install systems that can properly control the flow of water. Nestle has many departments and produces a variety of products that require much water. Ford is another company that spent $3 million in 2011 in one of the plants in South Africa. The company thought that they were utilizing more water than what was required and installed the system in their plant so that water could be distributed more efficiently.

Sandra Postel is one of the renowned authors and researchers in the field of economics. She has written many books related to economics, and her most recent book is called the last Oasis: facing water scarcity. This book talks about the scarcity of water that the world could face only in the near future (Postel 34). However, this is not the first time Sandra Postel has expressed this fear of water becoming scarce. She has been researching and writing about depleting natural resources for the past 30 years. Her main concern is the scarcity of water as that holds the key to human life.

One of the recent articles talk about the solution for scarcity of water in the future (Selby and Hoffmann 2). Selby and Hoffmann believe that the problem of the shortage of water cannot be a avoided if only companies decide to invest in expensive systems to control the water or be more careful in efficiently utilizing them (Selby and Hoffmann 3).

Selby and Hoffmann are of the opinion that the solution can only be achieved if the control of the distribution is given to some organization or the government takes control of the distribution of water. Currently, organizations all around the world have unlimited access to water. They can consume and waste as much as they want. However, if an organization takes the responsibility of distributing it, could be in a quota form, then there are certain chances that the world will save water. Organizations would only receive water as much as required to produce goods and services.

The government does not have much said in the distribution of water to companies. In the USA and most European countries, organizations can use as much water as they think is required to meet their production needs. The government has no known restrictions that the companies are forced to follow. There are many laws and regulations regarding water pollution, but the dilemma is fair consumption of water. The government would have to step up their approach and restrict the use of water so that the companies do not have the liberty to misuse it.

Works Cited

Clark, Pilita. A world without water. 14 November 2014. 17 November 2014 <http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/2/8e42bdc8-0838-11e4-9afc-00144feab7de.html#slide0>.

Postel, Sandra. The Last Oasis: Facing Water Scarcity. London : Routledge, 2014.

Selby, Jan and Clemens Hoffmann. "Global Environmental Change." Science Direct (2014): 79-96.


  1. I have heard of Nestle and other companies planning the future of water consumption, but this is the first article I’ve seen that doesn’t paint the companies in a bad light. I think you make some compelling points on how there needs to be some kind of regulation on the distribution of water. People do have a tendency to waste things, especially if the assume they have an unlimited supply. You could see though how some people are cautious or start to form conspiracy theories about water supply in the future. If companies, or governments, end up having a monopoly on water or total control on distributions, then that could lead to a whole other set of problems besides wasting water.

  2. Yong,

    Water scarcity is a serious problem in other countries. People use water in the US like its nothing to waste while people in countries like Africa cherish clean drinking water. I think its a good thing that the companies who are putting up money to help countries whose water scarcity is at an all time high. These projects and funds really do help for the people in need and is keeping their community closer. A friend of mine volunteered to go to Africa and stayed there for a few weeks, going to school, talking to kids just enjoying their spirits. All the kids there seemed genuinely happy. Also the government shouldn't have a say on how the US companies help out the other countries.

  3. Yong,

    It is very scary to think that some places are misusing water or just don't have clean water to their disposal, and that can lead to water scarcity. I have friends who have traveled to other countries and they have mentioned that water is very valuable in those certain countries and that water scarcity is a real problem. I think it's great that projects are being funded to help people and countries who do not have water. Water is a natural resource that should be used responsibly because it is essential to our everyday life.

  4. HI, good topic Yong. water is very important in our lives and I did not know exactly the amount of money spent by organizations to further the study in this filed, but that's a lots of money. Thanks for sharing the info.
